[자료2] 준동사의 시제/태
준동사의 시제/태
시제 | 태 | |||
단순 | 완료 | 능동 | 수동 | |
부정사 | to R | to have p.p. | to R | to be p.p. |
동명사 | Ring | having p.p. | Ring | being p.p. |
분사 | Ring | having p.p. | Ring | (being) p.p. |
준동사의 완료형은 주절의 동사가 나타내는 시간보다 준동사가 나타내는 시간이 이전임을 나타낸다.
The same sadness which the apes have seems to have entered the soul of civilized man.[1]
I felt ashamed of for not having visited him for last five years.
Feeling pleased with myself for having made this monumental decision, I proudly announced my plan to dad.
I am proud of your getting promoted in the company we have been working together for 20 years.[2]
Having returned to France, Fourier began his research on heat conduction.
But having taken the fìrst step into this new worId, he is now about to begin a new adventure.
Temples have been built in all parts of Hindu Asia at different periods and continue to be erected in those countries which are still Hindu.
We have already seen that the testing of therapeutic drugs is less likely to be motivated by the desire for maximum good to all than by the desire for maximum profit.[3]
Go to a fairly quiet place where you are not likely to be disturbed.[4]
Now being built in England, it is expected to be completed within a year.
I still complained of having been underpaid[5] in my previous position.
For example, an angler fish that dangles a worm-like bit of skin in front of a small fish and catches it because the smaller fish snaps at the ‘worm’ can certainly be said to have carried out a successful manipulation of its prey.
[1] 유인원이 가진 그 똑같은 슬픔이 문명화된 인간의 영혼 속으로 들어갔던 것처럼 보인다
[2] be proud of, take pride in, pride oneself on ~을 자랑스러워하다
[3] 우리는 치료제의 시험이 최대의 이윤을 위한 욕구보다 모든 사람에게 최대의 이익을 주려는 욕구에 의해 유발될 가능성이 덜 하다는 것을 이미 보았다
[4] be apt/likely/liable/inclined/disposed/prone to R ~하기 쉽다, ~하는 경향이 있다
[5] 동명사의 완료 수동태
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